Taylor Costantino
MMA & Head of Youth MMA
Taylor Costantino has been training and competing in mixed martial arts for 9+ years. Taylor was the 2011 US Open Sport Sambo Champion and has been ranked in the top 5 amateur lightweight MMA fighters in New England. Taylor has won multiple gold and silver medals in various grappling tournaments all across the Northeast.
Taylor has been instructing for the past 4 years, both classes and one on one work. Taylor loves working with anyone looking to learn mixed martial arts, especially those looking to compete. For 2 years, Taylor ran the Youth MMA program at Team Irish PTC in Westbrook. He quickly found a passion for working with kids and was able to learn and grow as a youth instructor. With that knowledge, Taylor was able to create a youth MMA program that teaches basic martial arts skills and basic life skills through a ranking based reward system.