Saco Bay Physical Therapy
If you have aches or pains or recently suffered an injury, your doctor may have determined that you can benefit from physical therapy. The right choice is Saco Bay Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy. We offer convenience, compassion and results. When your doctor says you need physical therapy, tell your physician you choose Saco Bay.
Our physical therapy program can help with;
- Back and Neck Pain
- Headaches
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Sprains and Strains
- Pre and Post Operative Conditions
- Soft Tissue Injuries
- Stroke
- Chronic Pain
and much more!
Free Consultation for All Evolution Athletix Members
All Evolution Athletix members get a free consultation with Saco Bay PT! We have a signup form at the front desk, just put your name, number and availability down! This consultation is only open to members of Evolution Athletix so make sure to take advantage of it!
Saco Bay PT Staff
All Evolution Athletix members get a free consultation with Saco Bay PT! We have a signup form at the front desk, just put your name, number and availability down! This consultation is only open to members of Evolution Athletix so make sure to take advantage of it!
Scott Lavallee
Scott graduated in 1995 from the University of New England physical therapy program. He is a certified strength and conditioning specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association since 1998. He has been with Saco Bay since 1995 and was the center manager of the Windham center from 2001-2014 and has been the Saco center manager since 2014. Scott is also fitness nutrition specialist, certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and the director of Saco Bay’s Golf Fitness Program.
Saco Bay PT Contact Info
4 Cascade Rd.
Suite 1
Saco, ME 04072
Our entrance is to the left of the Evolution Athletix front door, just head down the walkway and you will see our door on the right!